Patients with hormone-positive breast cancer who are treated with hormone therapy and suffer from joint or vasomotor symptoms (contracting or dilating of blood vessels that can affect nerves and muscles) have a reduced risk of a recurrence.
These results were recently published in the Lancet Oncology. Hormone-positive breast cancer refers to cancer that is stimulated to grow from exposure to the female hormones estrogen and/or progesterone. Women with hormone-positive breast cancer most often undergo therapy with hormone therapy or endocrine therapy, a type of therapy in which the cancer cell's exposure to these hormones is drastically reduced. This decreases the growth-stimulus of cancer cells and significantly reduces the risk of recurrences among these patients.
Common side effects associated with endocrine therapy may include hot flashes, night sweats, and joint symptoms, many of which are a result of lowered estrogen levels in the body. Researchers from the United Kingdom recently conducted a study to evaluate outcomes among women treated with either tamoxifen (Nolvadex®) or Arimidex® (anastrozole) who experience side effects associated with these therapies. The study includes review of data from the ATAC (Arimidex, Tamoxifen, Alone or in Combination) trial, a large trial that included postmenopausal women with hormone-positive early breast cancer who were treated with either Arimidex or tamoxifen.
At nine years follow-up, the following data was reported: Recurrence rates were reduced by 11.4% among women who developed new vasomotor and joint symptoms within the first three months of hormone therapy compared with those who did not develop these side effects. Among women who only developed joint symptoms, recurrence rates were reduced by 10%. Among women who only developed vasomotor symptoms, recurrence rates were reduced by 6%. The researchers stated that the potential role of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agents (NSAIDS) used to reduce side effects was not adequately studied to determine if NSAIDs played a role in recurrence reductions. They also stated that these results may provide important incentive for women who are experiencing these side effects to continue their medication.
To keep track of your Cancer Treatment in an all-in-one easy to use Cancer Medical Treatment Organizer.
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Helping to make your life easier,
Because you have enough to worry about!!
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Managing Cancer Treatment Side Effects
Because cancer cells grow and divide rapidly, many anti-cancer treatments (including chemotherapy and radiation) are made to kill fast-growing cells. But certain normal, healthy cells also grow quickly and treatments can affect these cells too. When it does, side effects may result. The fast-growing, normal cells most likely to be affected are blood cells forming in the bone marrow, cells in the digestive track, reproductive system and hair follicles. Side effects are also very unique to the type of treatment you are receiving. You may experience none, some or many problems in this section, depending on your treatment, your individual reaction to the treatment and your overall health status.
Most normal cells recover quickly when treatment is over, so most side effects gradually disappear after treatment ends. The time it takes to recover varies from person to person. When you are undergoing cancer therapy treatments you will need to take care of yourself to support the effectiveness of treatment and minimize side effects. The aim of this article is to help you manage the more common problems or side effects that may occur while under your physicians care during your treatment.
• Managing Pain... Cancer patients may have pain for a variety of reasons. It may be due to the effects of the cancer itself, or it could result from treatment methods. Remember that not all people with cancer have pain, and those who do are not in pain all the time.
•Ways to Help You Cope with Pain
• Take your pain medication as directed by your doctor. If they do not work, go back to your doctor and tell him/her.
• Get enough rest, space out your activities
• Use heat or cold applications
• Use relaxation therapy
• Distractions, e.g. TV, movies
• Guided imagery or visualization
• Physical Therapy
• Nausea & Vomiting - Nausea is the feeling of an upset stomach which may or may not be associated with vomiting. Nausea and vomiting are usually short-term symptoms experienced during the first week after receiving chemotherapy. Your physician will order medications to control nausea and vomiting.
• What You Can Do To Control Nausea and Vomiting?
• Drink cool or room temperature liquids between meals such as: Gatorade, lemonade, cola, a Popsicle, tea, 7-Up, cranberry juice, apple juice, ginger ale.
• Eat bland foods, either cold or at room temperature, such as: dairy products (if not lactose intolerant), cottage cheese, yogurt, cereal, watermelon, crackers, toast, mashed potatoes, cantaloupe, and sherbet.
• Frequently eat small meals in a quiet, relaxed setting.
• Brush your teeth before and after each meal.
• Frequently rinse your mouth with cool water, mint flavored water or a teaspoon of baking soda dissolved in a glass of water.
• Do not eat fried, spicy or rich foods.
• Do not cook or eat foods with strong aromas.
• Hair Loss...Hair loss, or alopecia, varied from slight thinning to complete loss of hair. The loss of hair may include scalp, facial, axillary, pubic and body hair. Radiation therapy may cause hair loss in the area that is treated. Loss of hair occurs over a period of days or weeks. When the hair does grow back, frequently there is a change in the color or texture. Regrowth usually occurs in six to eight weeks after completion of therapy. Not all chemotherapy or radiation will cause hair loss.
• What You Can Do About Hair Loss?
• Use gentle protein-based shampoo such as Johnsons Baby Shampoo, followed by a cream rinse or conditioner every three to five days to keep your hair in good condition.
• Rinse your hair thoroughly and pat dry gentle to avoid damaging your hair.
• Turbans, hats and scarves are attractive alternatives to wigs and hairpieces. Choose a color and style that you are most comfortable with.
• Before hair loss occurs, you may need to see a professional who can assist you in selecting a wig that closely matches your hairstyle and color. Early consultation can ease your mind before you start your treatment.
• Limit the use of hair clips, barrettes, elastic bands, bobby pins, hair sprays, dyes, permanents, blow dryers, hot rollers and curling irons. • When outdoors, cover your head to prevent heat loss and sunburn
• Your insurance company may cover the cost of a hairpiece.
• Diarrhea...Diarrhea is the frequent passage of soft or liquid bowel movements. Diarrhea is usually easily controlled by medications. Your physician will order medications to control diarrhea.
• What You Can Do To Control Diarrhea?
• Eat foods which are warm or at room temperature.
• Frequently eat small meals in a quiet, relaxed setting.
• Eat foods high in protein and calories to replace the nutrients lost through diarrhea. Foods high in protein and calories include: eggs, asparagus*, fish, tofu, white bread, cheese, peas, banana*, white rice, cream soups, buttermilk, halibut*, noodles, tapioca, baked potato*, custard, poultry, avocado, smooth peanut butter, macaroni, applesauce*, yogurt, carrots*
•* foods high in potassium diarrhea may also cause you to lose potassium
•To restore energy, rest when you feel tired and after each meal. Drink eight glasses of liquids every day to maintain bowel regularity and prevent dehydration.
Liquids to include: Gatorade, pasteurized apple juice, gelatin, weak tea, grape juice, non-carbonated beverages, All Sport, Hydra Fuel, Recharge.
There are many other categories in the "Managing Side Effects", chapter of the Cancer Treatment Organizer such as; Chewing and Swallowing, Fatigue & Weakness, Taste Impairment, Bleeding, Constipation, Dryness of the Mouth, Mouth Sores and Sexuality (For Men and Women).
In the Managing Side Effects chapter I even include wonderful recipes that are quick and easy for you to make in aiding in some of the side effects that may occur during the course of your Cancer Treatment.
• Mouth Soreness Smoothie
• Mouth-Soothing Capsaicin Taffy
• Recipe for Dry or sore Mouth (Jell-o)
• Recipe for controlling Diarrhea (Rice Congee)
• Recipe for Diarrhea (Cover Tea)
• Recipe for Nausea (Ginger Tea)
Please visit our website for detailed information. Click on Table of Contents for insight to what is in the organizer, you can also click on "MedTrakker Tour" for slide pics of the Organizer.
Quote: "Helping To Make Life Easier, Because You Have Enough To Worry About"!
Labels: Fundraiser, Neutropenia
MedTrakker...Cancer Patients Medical Organzier
Benefits of Having The "MedTrakker" (Cancer Medical Organizer)

I design Personal Cancer Medical Organizers. Cancer touches most of us directly or indirectly through a loved one, friend or co-worker. I know when my Mother was diagnosed with Leukemia; the paperwork alone was over-whelming, different Doctor Appointments, lab schedules, Dr.'s phone numbers. There were little pieces of paper scattered throughout her home.
My goal is to spread the word about the Organizer to help relieve the over-whelming paperwork that Patients and Care-Givers receive. I have designed each section of the MedTrakker to fit the needs of every Cancer patient. Please share my website If you know of anyone who could benefit from having the Organizer.
What will the MedTrakker do for Patients?
It will keep essential, authoritative information in a simple, easy to use format. It is small enough to take to Doctor Appointments, to the Emergency Room, and when traveling.
If you have to go to the Emergency Room, either locally or when travelling, the Doctor's may not have easy access to your medical information. While electronic medical records are useful, you can't take them with you to your doctor(s) appointments, and you can't take them with you when you are traveling.
Having this book, filled in with your medical information, could help attending physicians to be able to rapidly diagnose and treat you more accurately. What’s in the MedTrakker?
Important Contacts
Health and Treatment History
Appointment Calendars
Sample Blood Count Chart
Progress Blood Count Charts
Information on Complete Blood Counts
Managing Side Effects
Insurance Tips
Nutritional Support Recipes Included
Physical Support
Motivational Support
"Helping To Make Life Easier, Because you have enough to worry about!"
Labels: Fundraiser, Neutropenia
MedTrakker...Cancer Patients Medical Organzier
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