Do you find yourself storing your health care records as lose pieces of paper, like quickly jotted down notes for appointments, current/past medications, insurance information, physicians’/hospitals/caregivers’ names & contact information, etc.? Or perhaps, even worse yet, as fading memories in your brain as time marches on?
There is a much simpler, more convenient and organized way to keep all of your information with a MedTrakker Personal Medical Record Keeping Kit. This system offers a fully streamlined and organized way to keep all your information in one place, while providing easy access to all persons involved in your health care, especially in an emergency when you might otherwise not be able to effectively communicate.
The MedTrakker Personal Medical Record Keeping System comes with so many benefits.
- Keep important contact information right at your fingertips for all those involved with your health care, (physicians, caregivers, family, and friends).
- Stay on top of all past and current symptoms, medications, surgeries, and therapies.
- Track all your appointments on your appointment calendar.
- Stay up-to-date on your vital readings with charts.
- Keep all current information about insurance.
- Keep a journal on thoughts, symptoms, diet and activities, questions and answers, and comments you have addressed, or would like to address in the future.
One great extra bonus of a MedTrakker Personal Health Record is its portability. Keep it with you and have your physician/caregiver fill in much, if not all of the information for you during your visits. Another bonus of the MedTrakker is that it provides an extremely effective tool for communication across party lines, & helps you take a responsible, pro-active approach in your health care.
The MedTrakker is a 1” 3-ring binder notebook with two convenient pockets, (one each on the inside front and back covers), which allows the storing of lose papers until such time as you are available to organize it. It also allows you to discard papers you may no longer need.
You may be asking, “Why obtain a MedTrakker Personal Health Record when everyone is going digital (electronic health records) in the industry?” Security and Privacy issues have not been resolved. The MedTrakker(s) are portable and private. Allowing individuals to share their medical history with whom they choose!
MedTrakker medical organizers are an excellent instrument to encourage powerful communication with your entire healthcare team.
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